Educational Outcomes for Foster Youth in Congregate Care

What Professionals Need to Know


  • Tonika D Green San Diego State University


The purpose of this paper is to share the outcomes from the literature of youth residing in congregate care, commonly referred to as group homes. The outcomes for youth in this placement type need improvement, as evidenced by disproportionalities in education, behavior challenges, mental illness, life skills, and other issues faced by children in foster care. The paper provides recommendations for helping professionals in schools on how to respond to the unique needs of this population. It concludes with a discussion of evidenced-based practices to improve educational outcomes for youth living in congregate care.

Author Biography

  • Tonika D Green, San Diego State University

    Dr. Tonika Duren Green is an Associate Professor at San Diego State University in Department of Counseling and School Psychology. She is committed to preparing professionals who understand how racial, ethnic and sociocultural factors influence student performance. Dr. Green publishes in the areas of social justice within education, mentorship, and foster youth. She has been awarded over 3 million dollars in grants to train professionals to improve outcomes for diverse youth and children in foster care.


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