An Autoethnographic Tale of One Louisiana Mother’s Personal Journey of Fostering and Adopting

The Impact of the Fostering Process Versus the Fostering Process in Classrooms


  • Alica L Benton Louisiana State University


The purpose of this ethnographic reflection is to provide an overview of the history of foster care in the United States and compare the foster care classroom training experience to the reality of foster care. It is an attempt to explain the reasons why one South Louisiana mother, scholar, and teacher (and family) would consciously choose foster care and the far reaching and devastating impact the sense of loss and an interrupted childhood has on the placement family and the child in foster care. This richly detailed autoethnographic narrative is both a blue print and a cautionary tale about fostering.

Author Biography

  • Alica L Benton, Louisiana State University

    I am an assistant professor for the Early Childhood and Elementary Grades 1-5 Programs in the School of Education and teach literacy and child development courses for both programs. My research interests focus on literacy practices in K-6 schools, language development, foster care, and attachment issues.


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